how i use essential oils people constantly ask me about how i use my young living essential oils, if they work, if signing up is a scam, etc etc etc. so i figured i would do a blog about it and answer as many questions as i can. but first, disclaimer that i am NOT a doctor and can in no way tell you how to treat medical issues you may have. my personal experiences with oils can, in no way, replace scientific studies. i encourage you to do your research!
what products do i use from young living every single day:
EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE. NO JOKE. (also the kids shower gel, which i am out of but is on the way)
so let me run you through my typical day and what I'm using and why. i am in NO WAY a portrait of health. i wake up and drink a mountain dew as my coffee. BUT i am trying very hard to replace chemicals in our life with natural alternatives. i firmly believe every little bit helps.
whats my daily routine?
1. first thing i use is my orange blossom face wash. its an awesome cleaner that doesn't even dry out my already dry skin.
2. i use my lavender shampoo and conditioner. i have super thin hair and its one of the few shampoo/conditioners that doesn't weigh it down and make it look greasy. love that stuff!
3. i throw on my boswellia wrinkle cream. i use this as my facial moisturizer twice a day. a TINY dab goes a loooong way. the last jar lasted me 6 months!
4. the mountain mint deodorant. its super cold from the peppermint, which i don't love. but i think natural deodorant is important.
5. i use the thieves aromabright toothpaste and simms uses the kidscents toothpaste. it took me some getting used to because it doesn't foam like "regular" toothpaste. but i have grown to love it. plus how can you go wrong with toothpaste that has thieves in it!? love to support a healthy immune system.
6. lavender body lotion. uhhhh mazing. i also use this as a base for other lotion type creams i make. its thick and creamy. i have really dry skin and its perfect. plus it smells really good.
7. lavender chapstick. i use this all day. it sounds weird to want the smell of lavender on your lips, but again.. i've really grown to love it.
8. the kids use the "zebra cream" as simms calls it. haha. its actually the kidscents lotion. it doesn't have the baby smell i expected but it does smell good!
9. my everyday perfume that i made. it has a base of alcohol with ten drops of: patchouli, valor, and lavender. its refreshing and relaxing. exactly what i need to start the day.
10. i use a coconut oil based cream with gentle baby oil in it during diaper changes to prevent common issues.
11. i have been diffusing purification in our bedroom all day after we bought some furniture that clearly came from a smokers home. really trying hard to purify the room and furniture. its GREAT for neutralizing odors and such an awesome alternative to chemical products like febreeze.
12. i'm constantly cleaning the counters and i might be a little ocd. but i added a capful of thieves cleaner to a spray bottle of water to clean with. i use this on everything! floors, counters, bathrooms, you name it! not only do i feel like its a great cleaner, but its also supporting healthy immune systems! i never want to feel like theres harsh chemicals that my children shouldn't touch on any parts of our home. i also use lemon for cleaning almost every day. its amazing at getting stickers off things or stubborn stains. its also amazing for food flavoring and OF COURSE, can be ingested.
13. once the afternoon rolls around i drink a ningxia red for a quick pick me up. i love that it doesn't contain any caffeine but helps me get through the witching hours over here. the hours i text cal begging him to hurry home. it contains wolfberries. go look those up y'all. these daily supplements have become crucial for me.
14. also when witching hour rolls around, i throw some peace and calming oil in the diffuser.
15. i use the thieves hand sanitizers wherever we go. the nicu sure does put fear in you of all public places. grave robbers in medieval times carried these spices to support their immune systems. i spray and wash everything with these hand sanitizers.
16. while i am talking about thieves, i have a roller for the kids that i made with diluted thieves. i put this on their feet at night. its a jojoba oil base. it also has lavender and cedarwood in it to support restful sleep.
17. my night time diffuser blend is: dream catcher, cedarwood, and lavender. dream catcher is a blend designed to enhance visualization of dreams. i love dream interpretation so i was really excited to get this oil.
18. i have a roller with frankincense, patchouli, lavender, melrose, and lemon that i roll on myself and the kids for part of our winter skin regimen.
19. lastly i have a face oil blend that i roll on at night: frankincense, melrose, lavender, and lemon to help assist the normal aging process of skin.
this isn't some post to try to sell you oils. i am actually the worst salesperson in the world and never want to push anything on anyone. but when i got started with oils, i just wanted to learn. so if i can help anyone that is interested, i'm here! i am in a wonderful group called the joydroppers and we are constantly all helping each other learn. its one of the perks of being in our group.
how do i get started?
usually when people want to sign up, i suggest the premium starter kit. it comes with 11 bottles of the popular oils (lavender, peppermint, lemon, copaiba, frankincense, thieves, purification, r.c., digize, panaway) and a diffuser. its normally $160 (or more if you choose a different diffuser) but its 10% off for the entire month of february. there is absolutely not obligation to sell or buy any certain amount if you order the starter kit…. but buying the starter kit gets you a wholesale membership (24% off!!!) and the ability to sell (if you choose to!) for a year. your membership will stay active as long as you spend at least $50 in a calendar year.
if you are ready to get started, go here and my use my number as sponsor and enrolled (2352616) make sure you check "wholesale member" because it's the only way to access the premium starter kits. it will ask for your tax id/ social security number and this is simply for legal purposes so that you have the ability to bring in a paycheck IF you choose to do so. If you never sign anyone up, it will never be used.
what is essential rewards?
the "obligation," if you even want to call it that, comes when you sign up for essential rewards. its a monthly autoship program where you purchase 50 pv (pv stands for personal volume). usually the pv is dollar for dollar in price, but not always. look at the pv for each product you purchase to make sure you are spending 50 pv a month.
i didn't sign up for it at first because you have to spend at least $50 a month. i thought "theres no way in hell i will spend $50 a month on oils." well. that ended up only being partially true. because their products have become such a huge part of our lifestyle, i easily spend that. i don't always spend $50 IN OILS, but i am always buying products. i don't feel bad about it because its things i would buy at target every month, like shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothpaste, etc. the great thing about essential rewards is that you get points back (like a credit card) and can cash them in for free stuff. plus, theres freebies every month depending on how much you spend.
if you want more info on essential rewards, go here (i don't want to overload y'all)
cal always tells me i'm a snake oil medicine lover. haha! but i am just trying to have a healthier lifestyle. i've learned so much through our group of joydroppers in the past year of my oily journey. my only regret is not starting sooner. i had no idea that other oils only had to contain 10% of plant matter to claim to be "100% pure essential oil." the rest can be totally synthetic and made in a lab. YUCK. i never thought about where the farms should be or if gmos had ever been farmed on the land the essential oil crops where coming from. but young living's "seed to seal" blew my mind. you guys, for some of the big trees like spruce and pine, they don't even use heavy machinery to chop and drag the trees out because the pollution could compromise them. they chop them down by hand and drag them out with horses. i could go on and on and on. but i encourage you to read up! know what you're putting into your home and body. and as always, shoot me any questions you have!