what oils i pack for a trip
we are leaving for europe on saturday and i am a MAJOR planner with packing. i have been ordering and planning for what to pack/wear for three months. over the past couple years of being a young living member i have ordered a ton of oils, so its always really hard for me to just choose a couple to take. but heres the 7 oils i am packing and why!
1. peppermint- pick me up..because jet lag. support my digestive system because I looooove champagne.
2. tea tree- immune support. mouth rinse to support healthy teeth and gums. maintain healthy skin.
3. thieves- immune support. immune support. immune support.
4. tranquil- a key piece to my bedtime routine.
5. valor- courage in a bottle. also helps me get my day started on the right foot!
6. essential beauty serum- because that plane air practically turns me into a snake.
7. patchouli- best smell ever. Wayyyyyy too many reasons to list. I'll let you google ;)