the twins turn 2!
i'm not exactly sure how its been two years since they were born, but it has. blows my mind to think about. actually on this day two years ago, i was heading home from being in the hospital for over 8 weeks. i was really nervous to go back to the "real world" and cried the whole way home. leaving your babies in the NICU is hard and changing from my hospital routine was scary. i don't do well with change. but flip ahead two years and i couldn't imagine life any other way. we had such a great weekend celebrating.
so back a couple months ago when we went to safety city, simms had a little incident where he got his feelings really hurt by a police officer. they so kindly reached out a couple weeks later and offered for us to come back to make it up to simms. we thought this would be the perfect weekend to go because nathan, elizabeth, and jack would all be in town for the twin's party. so we made a cousin day of it and spent friday afternoon there with officer john morgan. the knoxville police department went above and beyond to make the day fun for them. i can't thank them enough. the kids had a blast!
friday night i got to shoot nathan, elizabeth, and jack for the first time at a time i would normally shoot and a place i would normally go. i hate how i am always just grabbing pictures at events of our family and was SOOO excited to have a real shoot for them. you can see some of my favorites from their shoot here. i didn't realize it at the time, but as i was editing i saw it. the entire shoot was a mix of storm clouds and sun. the symbolism blew me away.
so saturday was party day!!! the twins are all about "mow" aka mickey mouse these days, so mow party it was! i made sure to have all their favorite things: chickfila nuggets, cookies, donuts, veggie chips, vegan hotdogs, and pretzels. we rented a bounce house with a slide for the kids and turned on football for the adults. thanks everyone that came out to celebrate!!!
plutos punch was wassail that elizabeth and i made with 1 gallon of organic apple juice, 5 drops of YL cinnamon bark, 5 drop of YL clove, and 4 drops of YL orange essential oils. tastes amazing and is a great immunity booster!
hope everyone has a great week! xoxo-hannah